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- Y Tian, AJ Chaudhari, KS Nayak. “Three dimensional real-time MRI for the comprehensive evaluation of wrist kinematics.” Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. accepted.
- B Tasdelen, E Yagiz, BR Cinbis, Y Tian, KS Nayak. “Contactless cardiac gating at 0.55T using High-Amplitude Pilot Tone with Interference Cancellation (HAPTIC).” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. accepted.
- Z Zhu, NG Lee, KS Nayak. “Efficient 3D FISP-MRF at 0.55T using long spiral readouts and concomitant field effect mitigation.” Magnetic Resonance Imaging. accepted.
- D Goolaub, Y Tian, JFP van Amerom, JC Wood, J Detterich, KS Nayak, CK MacGowan. “Multiresolution comparison of fetal real-time and CINE MRI at 0.55T”. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. accepted.
- F Muñoz, KS Nayak, Y Khan. “Wearable Sensing in Low-Field (0.55T) MRI Environment.” IEEE Sensors Letters. accepted.
- K Keskin, SX Cui, B Li, J Gross, J Acharya, Z Buser, J Lieberman, BA Hargreaves, KS Nayak. “Imaging Near Titanium Total Hip Arthroplasty at 0.55T Compared with 3T.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. accepted.
- Y Tian, J Detterich, J Pruetz, E Yagiz, JC Wood, KS Nayak. “Assessment of fetal cardiac function and anatomy by real-time spiral bSSFP MRI at 0.55T.” Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. early view online.
- Y Tian, NG Lee, Z Zhao, A Wilcox, J Nieva, KS Nayak. “Single breath-hold volumetric lung imaging at 0.55T using stack of spiral out-in bSSFP.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. accepted.
- E Yagiz, P Garg, S Cen, KS Nayak, Y Tian. “Simultaneous multi-slice cardiac real-time MRI at 0.55T.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. accepted.
- KV Jordanova, CC Fraenza, MN Martin, Y Tian, S Shen, CE Vaughn, KJ Walsh, C Walsh, CR Sappo, SE Ogier, ME Poorman, RP Teixeira, WA Grissom, KS Nayak, MS Rosen, AG Webb, SG Greenbaum, VJ Witherspoon, KE Keenan. “Paramagnetic salt and agarose recipes for phantoms with desired T1 and T2 values for low field MRI.” NMR in Biomedicine. accepted.
- S Malik, E Shimron, S Schauman, KS Nayak, P Kumar, ME Caligiuri, F Santini, N Stikov, LC Bell, C Montalba, P Jezzard. “Editorial: Code Review Facility in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. accepted.
- S-F Shih, B Tasdelen, E Yagiz, Z Zhang, X Dong, SX Cui, KS Nayak, HH Wu. “Improved Liver Fat and R2* Quantification at 0.55T using Locally Low-Rank Denoising.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. accepted.
- Z Zhao, NG Lee, KS Nayak. “Multidimensional RF Pulse Design with Consideration of Concomitant Field Effects.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. accepted.
- K Keenan, B Tasdelen, A Javed, R Ramasawmy, R Rizzo, M Martin, K Stupic, N Sieberlich, A Campbell-Washburn, KS Nayak. “T1 and T2 measurements across multiple 0.55 T MRI systems using open-source vendor-neutral sequences.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. accepted.
- B Tasdelen, NG Lee, SX Cui, KS Nayak. “Improved abdominal T1 weighted imaging at 0.55T.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. accepted.
- A Toews, PK Lee, KS Nayak, BA Hargreaves. “Comprehensive assessment of non-uniform image quality: Application to imaging near metal.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. accepted.
[2023] [2022] [2021] [2020] [2019] [2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006] [2005] [2004] [2003] [2002] [2001] [2000]
- Boudreau M, Karakuzu A, Cohen-Adad J, et al. Repeat it without me: Crowdsourcing the T1 mapping common ground via the ISMRM reproducibility challenge. Magn Reson Med. 2024; 1-13. doi: 10.1002/mrm.30111. LINK
- HT Kung, SX Cui, JT Kaplan, AA Joshi, RM Leahy, KS Nayak, JP Haldar. “Diffusion tensor brain imaging at 0.55T: A feasibility study.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. PDF
- A Campbell-Washburn, J Varghese, KH Nayak, R Ramasway, OP Simonetti. “Cardiac MRI at Low Field Strengths.” Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2024;59:412-430. PDF
- Y Tian, KS Nayak. “Real-Time Water/Fat Imaging at 0.55T with Sprial Out-In-Out-In Sampling.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2024;91:649-659. PDF
- NG Lee, G Bauman, O Bieri, KS Nayak. “Replication of the bSTAR sequence and open-source implementation.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2024;91:1464-1477. PDF
- G Bauman, NG Lee, Y Tian, O Bieri, KS Nayak. Submillimeter lung MRI at 0.55T using balance steady-state free precession with half-radial dual-echo readout (bSTAR)” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Nov 2023;90(5):1949-1957. PDF
- Y Tian, KS Nayak. “New clinical opportunities of low-field MRI: heart, lung, body, and musculoskeletal.” Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine (MAGMA). October 2023. PDF
- A Campbell-Washburn, K Keenan, P Hu, JP Mugler, KS Nayak, A Webb, J Obungolock, KN Sheth, J Hennig, MS Rosen, N Salameh, DK Sodickson, JM Stein, JP Marques, OP Simonetti. “Low-Field MRI: A Report on the 2022 ISMRM Workshop.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Oct 2023;90(4):1682-1694. PDF
- AJ Chaudhari, Y Lim, SX Cui, CO Bayne, RM Szabo, RD Boutin, KS Nayak. “Real-Time MRI of the Moving Wrist at 0.55 Tesla.” British Journal of Radiology. Oct 2023. PDF
- KA Schmidt, P Mokhtari, EA Holzhausen, TL Alderete, H Allayee, KS Nayak, FR Sinatra, TA Pickering, W Mack, R Kohli, MI Goran. “Effects of dietary sugar reduction on biomarkers of cardiometabolic health in Latino youth: secondary analyses from a randomized controlled trial.” Nutrients. 15(15):3338. July 2023. PDF
- KS Nayak, SX Cui, B Tasdelen, E Yagiz, S Weston, X Zhong, A Ahlgren. “Body Composition Profiling at 0.55 Tesla: Feasibility and Precision.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. May 2023. PDF
- B Li, NG Lee, SX Cui, KS Nayak. “Lung parenchyma transverse relaxation rates at 0.55 Tesla.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 89(4): 1522-1530. April 2023. PDF
- S Ponrartana, HN Nguyen, SX Cui, Y Tian, P Kumar, JC Wood, KS Nayak. “Low-Field 0.55T MRI evaluation of the fetus.” Pediatric Radiology. March 2023. PDF
- Y Tian, SX Cui, Ylim, NG Lee, Z Zhao, KS Nayak. “Contrast-optimal simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) bSSFP cine cardiac imaging at 0.55 Tesla.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 89(2): 746-755. February 2023. PDF
- F Munoz, Y Lim, SX Cui, H Stark, KS Nayak. “Evaluation of a Novel 8-Channel RX Coil for Speech Production MRI at 0.55 T.” Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine (MAGMA). August 2022.
- NG Lee, R Ramasawmy, Y Lim, AE Campbell-Washburn, KS Nayak. “MaxGIRF: Image Reconstruction Incorporating Concomitant Field and Gradient Impulse Response Function Effects.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 88(2): 691-710. August 2022. PDF
- EK Doyle, S Thornton, N Ghugre, T Coates, KS Nayak, JC Wood, “Effects of B1+ Heterogeneity on Spin Echo-Based Liver Iron Estimates,” Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 55(5): 1419-1425. May 2022.
- JJ Weyers, V Ramanan, A Javed, J Barry, M Larsen, KS Nayak, GA Wright, NR Ghugre. “Myocardial Blood Flow is the Dominant Factor Influencing Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Adenosine Stress T2.” NMR in Biomedicine. 35(3):e4643. March 2022. PDF
- KS Nayak, Y Lim, A Campbell-Washburn, J Steeden. “Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging.” Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 55(1):81-99. January 2022. PDF
- AH Xiang, MP Martinez, E Trigo, KM Utzschneider, M Cree-Green, S Arslanian, DA Ehrmann, S Caprio, DH Hwang, N Katkhouda, KS Nayak, TA Buchanan (for the Rise Cosortium). Liver Fat Reduction after Gastric Banding and Associations with Changes in Insulin Sensitity and Beta-Cell Function. Obesity. 30(1):272-272, January 2022. PDF
- Z Zhu, RM Lebel, Y Bliesener, J Acharya, RM Frayne, KS Nayak. Sparse Pre-Contrast T1 Mapping for High-Resolution Whole-Brain DCE-MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 86(4):2234-2249, October 2021. PDF
- Y Lim, A Toutios, Y Bliesener, Y Tian, SG Lingala, C Vaz, T Sorensen, M Oh, S Harper, W Chen, Y Lee, J Toger, ML Motesserin, C Smith, B Godines, L Goldstein, D Byrd, KS Nayak, SS Narayana. A Multispeaker Dataset of Raw and Reconstructed Speech Production Real-Time MRI Video and 3D Volumtric images. Scientific Data (Nature). 8:187, July 2021. PDF
- D Kim, SF Cauley, KS Nayak, RM Leahy, JP Haldar. Region-Optimized Virtual (ROVir) Coils: Localization and/or Suppression of Spatial Regions using Sensor-Domain Beamforming. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 86(1):197-212, July 2021. PDF
- Y Bliesener, RM Lebel, J Acharya, R Frayne, KS Nayak. Pseudo Test-Retest Evaluation of millimeter-resolution whole-brain Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MRI in Patients with High-Grade Glioma. Radiology. June 2021. PDF
- Z Zhao, Y Lim, D Byrd, SS Narayanan, KS Nayak. Improved 3D Real-Time MRI of Speech Production. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 85(6):3182-3195, June 2021. PDF
- Y Tian, Y Lim, Z Zhao, D Byrd, S Narayanan, K Nayak. Aliasing Artifact Reduction in Spiral Real-Time MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 86:916-925, February 2021. PDF SUP INFO
- S Gutta, J Acharya, MS Shiroishi, D Hwang, KS Nayak. Improved Glioma Grading using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. American Journal of Neuroradiology. PDF
- Y Lim, Y Bliesener, SS Narayanan, KS Nayak. Deblurring for Spiral Real-Time MRI using Convolutional Neural Networks. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 84(6):3438-3452, December 2020. PDF
- NG Lee, A Javed, TR Jao, KS Nayak. Numerical Approximation to the General Kinetic Model for ASL Quantification. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 84(5):2846-2857, November 2020. PDF SINGLE-COLUMN
- RA Lobos, WS Hoge, A Javed, C Liao, K Setsompop, KS Nayak, JP Haldar. Robust Autocalibrated Structured Low-Rank EPI Ghost Correction. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 85(6):3403-3419, June 2021. PDF
- V Landes, A Javed, T Jao, Q Qin, KS Nayak. Improved Velocity-Selective Labeling Pulses for Myocardial ASL. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 84(4):1909-1918, October 2020. PDF
- W Chen, N Lee, D Byrd, S Narayanan, KS Nayak. Improved real-time tagged MRI using REALTAG. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 84(2):838-846, August 2020. PDF
- A Javed, KS Nayak. Single-shot EPI for ASL-CMR. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 84(2):738-750, August 2020 PDF
- Y Bliesener, J Acharya, KS Nayak. Efficient DCE-MRI parameter and uncertainty estimation using a Neural Network. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 39(5):1712-1723, May 2020. PDF
- HP Do, Y Guo, AJ Yoon, KS Nayak. Accuracy, Uncertainty, and Adaptability of Automatic Myocardial ASL Segmentation using Deep CNN. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 83(5):1863-1874, May 2020. PDF
- Y Bliesener, SG Lingala, JP Haldar, KS Nayak. Impact of (k,t) sampling on DCE MRI tracer kinetic parameter estimation in digital reference objects. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 83(5):1625-1639, May 2020. PDF
- T Shin, KS Nayak. Perceived dark rim artifact in first-pass myocardial perfusion MRI due to visual illusion. Korean Journal of Radiology. 21(4):462-469. April 2020. PDF
- A Javed, A Yoon, S Cen, KS Nayak, P Garg. Feasibility of Coronary Endothelial Function Assessment using Arterial Spin Labeled CMR. NMR in Biomedicine. 33(2):e4183, February 2020. PDF
- SG Lingala, Y Guo, Y Bliesener, Y Zhu, RM Lebel, M Law, KS Nayak. Tracer kinetic models as temporal constraints during brain tumor DCE-MRI reconstruction. Medical Physics. 47(1):37-51, January 2020. PDF
- VL Landes, KS Nayak. Iterative correction of RF envelope distortion with GRATER-measured waveforms. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 83(1):188-194. January 2020. PDF
- X Miao, KS Nayak, JC Wood. In-vivo validation of T2- and susceptibility-based SvO2 measurements with jugular vein catheterization under hypoxia and hypercapnia. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 82(6):2188-2198. December 2019. PDF SUP INFO
- K Jiang, CM Ferguson, JR Woollard, VL Landes, JD Krier, X Zhu, KS Nayak, LO Lerman. Magnetization Transfer Imaging is Unaffected by Decreases in Renal Perfusion in Swine. Investigative Radiology. 54(11):681–688, November 2019. PDF
- CB Shaw, BH Foster, M Borgese, RD Boutin, C Bateni, P Boonsri, CO Bayne, RM Szabo, KS Nayak, AJ Chaudhari. Real-time three-dimensional MRI for the assessment of dynamic carpal instability. PLoS-ONE. 14(9):e0222704. September 2019. PDF
- TR Jao, KS Nayak. Analysis of physiological noise in quantitative cardiac magnetic resonance. PLoS ONE 14(8): e0214566. August 2019. PDF
- W Chen, D Byrd, S Narayanan, KS Nayak. Intermittently tagged real-time MRI reveals internal tongue motion during speech production. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 82(2):600-613. August 2019. PDF
- KS Nayak. Response to Letter to the Editor: “Nomenclature for real‐time magnetic resonance imaging”. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 82(2):525-526. August 2019. PDF
- Y Bliesener, X Zhong, Y Guo, M Boss, R Bosca, H Laue, C Chung, K Sung, KS Nayak. RF Transmit Calibration: A multi-center evaluation of vendor-provided RF transmit mapping methods. Medical Physics. 46(6):2629-2637. June 2019. PDF
- EAH Warnert, KS Nayak, R Menon, C Rice, J Port, EA Morris, D Sodickson, P Sundgren, K Miller, UC Anazodo. Resonate: Reflections and recommendations on implicit biases within the ISMRM. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging . 49(6):1509-1511. June 2019. PDF
- Y Lim, Y Zhu, SG Lingala, D Byrd, S Narayanan, KS Nayak. 3D dynamic MRI of the vocal tract during natural speech. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 81(3):1511-1520. March 2019. PDF
- W Foltz, B Driscoll, SL Lee, KS Nayak, N Nallapareddy, A Fatemi, C Ménard, C Coolens, C Chung. Phantom validation of DCE-MRI magnitude and phase-based vascular input function measurements. Tomography (special issue: Quantitative Imaging Network). 5(1):77-89. March 2019. PDF
- Y Lim, SG Lingala, S Narayanan, KS Nayak. Dynamic off-resonance correction for spiral real-time MRI of speech. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 81(1):234-246. January 2019. PDF
- X Zhong, T Martin, HH Wu, KS Nayak, KH Sung. Prostate DCE-MRI with B1+ correction using an approximated analytical approach. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 80(6):2525-2537. December 2018. PDF
- RM Kato, YC Kim, B Joshi, S Loloyan, CP Wee, Z Wu, W Tran, TG Keens, MCK Khoo, KS Nayak, SLD Ward. Upper airway narrowing during central apnea in obese adolescents. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 15(12):1465-1471. December 2018. PDF
- AH Xiang, E Trigo, MP Martinez, N Katkhouda, E Beale, X Wang, J Wu, T Chow, C Montgomery, KS Nayak, F Hendee, TA Buchanan for the RISE Consortium. Impact of gastric banding versus metformin on beta-cell function in adults with impaired glucose tolerance or mild type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 41(8): 1717-1725. August 2018. PDF
- T Jao, KS Nayak. Demonstration of velocity selective myocardial arterial spin labeling perfusion imaging in humans. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 80(1):272-278. July 2018. PDF
- HP Do, V Ramanan, X Qi, J Barry, GA Wright, NR Ghugre, KS Nayak. Non-contrast Assessment of Microvascular Integrity using Arterial Spin Labeled CMR in a Porcine Model of Acute Myocardial Infarction. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. 20:45. May 2018. PDF
- Y Guo, SG Lingala, Y Bliesener, RM Lebel, Y Zhu, KS Nayak. Joint arterial input function and tracker kinetic parameter estimation from under-sampled DCE-MRI using a model consistency constraint. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 79(5):2804-2815. May 2018. PDF
- V Landes, KS Nayak. Simple Method for RF Pulse Measurement using Gradient Reversal. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 79(5):2642-2651. May 2018. PDF
- SG Lingala, Y Zhu, Y Lim, A Toutios, Y Ji, W-C. Lo, N Seiberlich, S Narayanan, KS Nayak. Feasibility of spiral through-time GRAPPA for low latency accelerated real-time MRI of speech. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 78(6):2275-2282. December 2017. PDF
- W Chen, E Gillett, MCK Khoo, SL Davidson Ward, KS Nayak. Real-time Multi-slice MRI during Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Reveals Upper Airway Response to Pressure Change. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 46(5):1400-1408. November 2017. PDF
- Y Guo, SG Lingala, Y Zhu, RM Lebel, KS Nayak. Direct Estimation of Tracer-Kinetic Parameter Maps from Highly Undersampled Brain DCE-MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 78(4):1566-1578. October 2017. PDF
- HP Do, AJ Yoon, MW Fong, F Saremi, ML Barr, KS Nayak. Double-gated Myocardial ASL Perfusion Imaging is Robust to Heart Rate Variation. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 77(5):1975-1980. May 2017. PDF
- J Töger, T Sorensen, K Somandepalli, A Toutios, SG Lingala, S Narayanan, KS Nayak. Test-retest repeatability of human speech biomarkers from static and real-time dynamic magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 141(5): 3323. May 2017. PDF
- SG Lingala, Y Zhu, YC Kim, A Toutios, S Narayanan, KS Nayak. A Fast and Flexible MRI System for the Study of Dynamic Vocal Tract Shaping. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 77(1):112-125. January 2017. PDF
- Y Zhu, Y Guo, SG Lingala, RM Lebel, M Law, KS Nayak. GOCART: GOlden-angle CArtesian Randomized Time-resolved 3D MRI. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 34: 940-950. September 2016. PDF
- X Miao, SG Lingala, Y Guo, T Jao, M Usman, C Prieto, KS Nayak. Accelerated Cardiac Cine MRI Using Locally Low Rank and Finite Difference Constraints. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 34: 707-714. March 2016. PDF
- Z Wu, F Han, P Hu, KS Nayak. Anisotropic Field-of-View Support for Golden Angle Radial Imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 76: 229-236. July 2016. PDF
- Z Wu, W Chen, MCK Khoo, SL Davidson Ward, KS Nayak. Evaluation of upper airway collapsibility using real-time MRI. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 44: 158-167. June 2016. W.S. Moore Young Investigator Award at ISMRM 2016. PDF
- Z Wu, W Chen, KS Nayak. Minimum Field Strength Simulator for Proton Density Weighted MRI. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0154711. May 2016. PDF
- Y Guo, RM Lebel, Y Zhu, SG Lingala, MS Shiroishi, M Law, KS Nayak. High-resolution Whole-brain DCE-MRI Using Constrained Reconstruction: Prospective Clinical Evaluation in Brain Tumor Patients. Medical Physics 43:2013. April 2016.. PDF
- A Javed, YC Kim, SL Davidson Ward, MCK Khoo, KS Nayak. Dynamic 3D MR Visualization and Detection of Upper Airway Obstruction during Sleep using Region Growing Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 63(2):431-437. Feb 2016. PDF
- VC Rispoli, JF Nielsen, KS Nayak, JLA Carvalho. Computational fluid dynamics simulations of blood flow regularized by 3D phase contrast MRI Biomedical Engineering Online. 14:110. Nov 2015. PDF
- Y Guo, Y Zhu, SG Lingala, RM Lebel, M Shiroishi, M Law, KS Nayak. High-resolution whole-brain dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI using compressed sensing. SPIE Newsroom. August 2015. PDF
- SG Lingala, Y Zhu, YC Kim, A Toutios, S Narayanan, KS Nayak. High-frame-rate real-time imaging of speech production. SPIE Newsroom. June 2015. PDF
- KS Nayak, RJ Fleck Jr. Seeing Sleep: Dynamic Imaging of Upper Airway Collapse and Collapsibility in Children. IEEE Pulse. September 2014. PDF
- SS Narayanan, A Toutios, V Ramanarayanan, A Lammart, J Kim, S Lee, KS Nayak, Y-C Kim, Y Zhu, L Goldstein, D Byrd, E Bresch, P Ghosh, A Katsamanis, and M Proctor. Real-time magnetic resonance imaging and electromagnetic articulography database for speech production research. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 136:1307-1311. September 2014. PDF
- Z Wu, Y-C Kim, MCK Khoo, KS Nayak. Evaluation of an Independent Linear Model for Acoustic Noise on a Conventional MRI Scanner and Implications for Acoustic Noise Reduction. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 71(4):1613-1620. April 2014. PDF
- Y-C Kim, RM Lebel, Z Wu, SL Davidson Ward, MCK Khoo, KS Nayak. Real-time 3D MRI of the Pharyngeal Airway in Sleep Apnea. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 71(4):1501-1510. April 2014. PDF
- RM Lebel, J Jones, JC Ferre, M Law, KS Nayak. Highly accelerated dynamic contrast enhanced imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 71(2):635-644. February 2014. PDF
- AZ Lau, AP Chen, Y Gu, M Ladouceur-Wodzak, KS Nayak, CH Cunningham. Noninvasive identification and assessment of functional brown adipose tissue in rodents using hyperpolarized 13C imaging. International Journal of Obesity. 38:126-131. January 2014. PDF
- HP Do, TR Jao, KS Nayak. Myocardial Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion Imaging with Improved Sensitivity. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. 16:15. January 2014. PDF
- Y Zhu, SS Narayanan, Y-C Kim, KS Nayak, C Bronson-Lowe, B Villegas, M Ouyoung, UK Sinha. Evaluation of swallow function post tongue cancer treatment using real-time MRI: A pilot study. Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery. 139(12):1312-1319. December 2013. PDF
- SD Sharma, HH Hu, KS Nayak. Accelerated T2*-Compensated Fat Fraction Quantification Using a Joint Parallel Imaging and Compressed Sensing Framework. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 38(5):1267-1275. November 2013 PDF
- SD Sharma, CL Fong, BS Tzung, M Law, KS Nayak. Clinical Image Quality Assessment of Accelerated Magnetic Resonance Neuroimaging using Compressed Sensing. Investigative Radiology. 48(9):638-645. September 2013. PDF
- Y Zhu, MI Proctor, Y-C Kim, SS Narayanan, KS Nayak. Dynamic 3D Visualization of Vocal Tract Shaping during Speech. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 32(5):838-848. May 2013. PDF
- T Shin, KS Nayak, JM Santos, DG Nishimura, BS Hu, MV McConnell. Three-dimensional first-pass myocardial perfusion MRI using a stack-of-spirals acquisition. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 69(3):839-844. March 2013. PDF
- CM Toledo-Corral, TL Alderete, HH Hu, KS Nayak, S Esplana, T Liu, MI Goran, MJ Weigensberg. Ectopic Fat Deposition in Prediabetic Overweight and Obese Minority Adolescents. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 98(3):1115-1121. March 2013. PDF
- SD Sharma, HH Hu, KS Nayak. Chemical shift encoded water-fat separation using parallel imaging and compressed sensing. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 69(2):456-466. February 2013. PDF
- MI Proctor, E Bresch, D Byrd, KS Nayak, S Narayanan. Paralinguistic Mechanisms of Production in Human ‘Beatboxing:’ a Real-time Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Journal of Acoustic Society of America. 133(2):1043-1054. February 2013. PDF
- AA Joshi, HH Hu, RM Leahy, MI Goran, KS Nayak. Automatic intra-subject registration-based segmentation of abdominal fat from three-dimensional water-fat MRI. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 37(2):423-430. February 2013. PDF
- TB Smith, KS Nayak. Automatic off-resonance correction in spiral imaging with piecewise linear autofocus. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 69(1):82-90. January 2013. PDF
- GS Danagoulian, L Qin, KS Nayak, RR Colen, S Mukundan Jr., MB Harris, FA Jolesz, A Shankaranarayanan, WA Copen, EJ Schmidt. Comparison of wideband steady-state free precession and T2-weighted fast spin echo in spine disorder assessment at 1.5 and 3T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 68(5):1527-1535. November 2012. PDF
- MK Makhijani, N Balu, K Yamada, C Yuan, KS Nayak. Accelerated 3D MERGE carotid imaging using compressed sensing with a hidden markov tree model. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 36(5):1194-1202. November 2012. PDF
- TB Smith, KS Nayak. Reduced field of view MRI with rapid, B1-robust outer volume suppression. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 67(5):1316-1323. May 2012. PDF
- Y-C Kim,MI Proctor, S Narayanan, KS Nayak. Improved imaging of lingual articulation using real-time multislice MRI. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 35(4):943-948. April 2012. PDF
- SD Sharma, HH Hu, KS Nayak. Accelerated water-fat imaging using restricted subspace field map estimation and compressed sensing. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 67(3):650-659. March 2012. PDF
- Z Zun, P Varadarajan, RG Pai, EC Wong, KS Nayak. Arterial Spin Labeling Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Detects Clinically Relevant Increases in Myocardial Blood Flow With Vasodilation. Journal of the American College of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Imaging 4(12):1253-1261. December 2011. PDF
- HH Hu, TR Nagy, MI Goran, KS Nayak. Quantification of absolute fat mass by magnetic resonance imaging: a validation study against chemical analysis. International Journal of Body Composition Research 9(3):111-122. 2011. PDF
- G Hamilton, DL Smith, M Bydder, KS Nayak, HH Hu. Magnetic resonance properties of brown and white adipose tissues. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 34(2):468-473. August 2011. PDF
- Y-C Kim, CE Hayes, S Narayanan, KS Nayak. Novel 16-channel receive coil array for accelerated upper airway MRI at 3 Tesla. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 65(6):1711-1717. June 2011. PDF
- Y-C Kim, SS Narayanan, KS Nayak. Flexible retrospective selection of temporal resolution in real-time speech MRI using a golden-ratio spiral view order. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 65(5):1365-1371. May 2011. PDF
- V Gilsanz, SA Chung, H Jackson, F Dorey, HH Hu. Functional brown adipose tissue is related to muscle volume in children and adolescents. Journal of Pediatrics 158(5):722-726. May 2011. PDF
- T Rhee, JP Lewis, U Neumann, KS Nayak. Scan-based volume animation driven by locally adaptive articulated registrations. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Graphics 17(3):368-379. March 2011. PDF
- K-A Le, EE Ventura, JQ Fisher, JA Davis, MJ Weigensberg, M Punyanita, HH Hu, KS Nayak, MI Goran. Ethnic differences in pancreatic fat accumulation and its relationship with other fat depots and inflammatory markers. Diabetes Care 34(2):485-490. February 2011. PDF
- HH Hu, SA Chung, HA Jackson, KS Nayak, V Gilsanz. Differential CT attenuation of metabolically active and inactive adipose tissues — preliminary findings. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography 35(1):65-71. January/February 2011. PDF
- H-L Lee, A Shankaranarayanan, GM Pohost, KS Nayak. Improved 3 Tesla cardiac cine imaging using wideband SSFP. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 63(6):1716-1722. June 2010. PDF
- JLA Carvalho, JF Nielsen, KS Nayak. Feasibility of in-vivo measurement of carotid wall shear rate using spiral Fourier velocity encoded MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 63(6):1537-1547. June 2010. PDF
- HH Hu, DL Smith Jr, KS Nayak, MI Goran, TR Nagy. Identification of Brown Adipose Tissue in Mice with Fat-Water IDEAL-MRI. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 31(5):1195:1202. April 2010. PDF
- H-L Lee, A Shankaranarayanan, GM Pohost, KS Nayak. Three-dimensional coronary MR angiography with sub-millimeter resolution using wideband SSFP at 3 Tesla. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 31(5):1224-1229. April 2010. PDF
- K Sung, H-L Lee, HH Hu, and KS Nayak. Prediction of Myocardial Signal during CINE Balanced SSFP Imaging. MAGMA 23(2):85-91. April 2010. PDF
- H Hu, HW Kim, KS Nayak, MI Goran. Comparison of fat-water MRI and single-voxel MRS in the assessment of hepatic and pancreatic fat fractions in humans. Obesity 18(4):841-847. April 2010. PDF
- T Shin, GM Pohost, KS Nayak. Systolic 3D first-pass myocardial perfusion MRI: comparison with diastolic imaging in healthy subjects. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 63(4):858-864. April 2010. PDF
- H Hu, KS Nayak. Change in the proton T1 of fat and water in mixture. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 63(2):494-501. February 2010. PDF
- TB Smith, Z Zun, EC Wong, KS Nayak. Design and use of variable flip angle schedules in transient balanced SSFP subtractive imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 63(2):537-542. February 2010. PDF
- MK Makhijani, HH Hu, GM Pohost, KS Nayak. Improved blood suppression in three-dimensional (3D) fast spin-echo (FSE) vessel wall imaging using a combination of double inversion-recovery (DIR) and diffusion sensitizing gradient (DSG) preparations. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 31(2):398-405. February 2010. PDF
- Z Zun, EC Wong and KS Nayak. Assessment of myocardial blood flow in humans using arterial spin labeling: feasibility and SNR requirements. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 62(4):975-83. October 2009. PDF
- Y-C Kim, SS Narayanan and KS Nayak. Accelerated three-dimensional upper airway MRI using compressed sensing. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 61(6):1434-40. June 2009. PDF
- J-F Nielsen and KS Nayak. Referenceless phase velocity mapping using balanced SSFP. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 61(5):1096-1102. May 2009. PDF
- J-F Nielsen and KS Nayak. Interleaved balanced SSFP imaging: Artifact reduction using gradient waveform grouping. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 29(3):745-750. March 2009. PDF
- H Jung, KH Sung, KS Nayak, EY Kim, JC Ye. k-t FOCUSS: A General Compressed Sensing Framework for High Resolution Dynamic MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 61:103-116. January 2009. PDF
- T Shin, HH Hu, GM Pohost and KS Nayak. Three dimensional first-pass myocardial perfusion imaging at 3T: feasibility study. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 10:57. December 2008. PDF
- HL Lee and KS Nayak. Stabilization of alternating TR steady state free precession Sequences. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 195(2):211-218. December 2008. PDF
- HH Hu and KS Nayak. Quantification of absolute fat mass using an adipose tissue reference signal model. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 28(6):1483-1491. December 2008. PDF
- K Sung and KS Nayak. The design and use of tailored hard-pulse trains for uniform saturation of myocardium at 3 Tesla. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 60(4):997-1002. October 2008. PDF
- CY Liu, P Varadarajan, GM Pohost and KS Nayak. Real-time color flow MRI at 3 Tesla using variable density spiral phase contrast. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 26(5):661-666. May 2008. PDF
- K Sung and KS Nayak. B1+ compensation in 3T cardiac imaging using short 2DRF pulses. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 59(3):441-446. March 2008. PDF
- K Sung and KS Nayak. Measurement and characterization of RF non-uniformity over the heart at 3T using body coil transmission. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 27(3):643-648. March 2008. PDF
- YC Kim, JF Nielsen, KS Nayak. Automatic Correction of EPI Ghosting Artifacts in Real-time Interactive Cardiac MRI using Sensitivity Encoding. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 27(1):239-245. January 2008. PDF
- JF Nielsen and KS Nayak. SSFP and GRE phase contrast imaging using a three-echo readout. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 58(6):1288-1293. December 2007. PDF
- KS Nayak, HL Lee, BA Hargreaves, and BS Hu. Wideband SSFP: alternating repetition time balanced steady-state free precession with increased band spacing. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 58(5):931-938. November 2007. PDF
- T Shin, JF Nielsen, and KS Nayak. Accelerating dynamic spiral MRI by algebraic reconstruction from undersampled k-t space. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 26(7):917-924. July 2007. PDF
- JLA Carvalho and KS Nayak. Rapid quantitation of cardiovascular flow using slice-selective Fourier velocity encoding with spiral readouts. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 57(4):639-646. April 2007. PDF
- E de la Pena, PK Nguyen, KS Nayak, PC Yang, DN Rosenthal, BS Hu, JM Pauly, MV McConnell. Real-time Color-Flow CMR in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. 8(6):809-815. December 2006. PDF
- E Bresch, JF Nielsen, KS Nayak, S Narayanan. Synchronized and noise-robust audio recordings during real-time magnetic resonance imaging scans. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 120(4):1791-1794. October 2006. PDF
- JB Park, BS Hu, S Conolly, KS Nayak, DG Nishimura. Rapid Cardiac-Output Measurement with Ungated Spiral Phase Contrast. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2006:56(2):432-438. August 2006. PDF
- PEZ Larson, PT Gurney, KS Nayak, GE Gold, JM Pauly, DG Nishimura. Designing Long-T2 Suppression Pulses for Ultra-Short Echo Time (UTE) Imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2006:56(1):94-103. July 2006. PDF
- CH Cunningham, JM Pauly, KS Nayak. Saturated Double Angle Method for Rapid B1+ Mapping. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2006:55(6):1326-1333. June 2006. PDF
- M Terashima, MS Hyon, E Pena-Almaguer, PC Yang, BS Hu, KS Nayak, JM Pauly, MV McConnell. High-Resolution Real-Time Spiral MRI for Guiding Vascular Interventions in a Rabbit Model at 1.5T. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2005:22(5):687-690. November 2005. PDF
- JC DiCarlo, BA Hargreaves, KS Nayak, BS Hu, JM Pauly, DG Nishimura. Variable-Density One-Shot Fourier Velocity-Encoding. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2005:54(3):645-655. September 2005. PDF
- G Narayan, KS Nayak, JM Pauly, BS Hu. Single-Breathhold, Four-Dimensional, Quantitative Assessment of LV and RV Function using Triggered, Real-Time, Steady-State Free Precession MRI in Heart Failure Patients. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2005:22(1):59-66. July 2005. PDF
- KS Nayak, BA Hargreaves, BS Hu, DG Nishimura, JM Pauly, and CH Meyer. Spiral Balanced Steady-State Free Precession Cardiac Imaging Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2005:53(6):1468-1473. June 2005. PDF
- JB Park, JM Santos, BA Hargreaves, KS Nayak, G Sommer, BS Hu, DG Nishimura. Rapid measurement of renal artery blood flow with ungated spiral phase-contrast MRI. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 21(5):590-595. May 2005. PDF
- KS Nayak, CH Cunningham, JM Santos, JM Pauly. Real-Time Cardiac Imaging at 3 Tesla. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2004:51(4):655-660. April 2004. PDF
- S Narayanan, KS Nayak, S Lee, A Sethy, D Byrd. An Approach to Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Speech Production. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2004:115(5):1771-1776. April 2004. PDF
- DJ Asakawa, KS Nayak, SS Blemker, SL Delp, JM Pauly, DG Nishimura, and GE Gold. Real-Time Imaging of Skeletal Muscle Velocity. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2003:18:734-739. December 2003. PDF
- KS Nayak, BS Hu, and DG Nishimura. Rapid Quantitation of High-Speed Flow Jets. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2003:50:366-372. August 2003. PDF
- BA Hargreaves, SS Vasanawala, KS Nayak, BS Hu, and DG Nishimura. Fat Suppressed Steady-State Free Precession Imaging using Phase Detection. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2003:50:210-213. July 2003. PDF
- KS Nayak and BS Hu. Triggered Real-Time MRI and Cardiac Applications. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2003:49:188-192. January 2003. PDF
- PA Rivas, KS Nayak, GC Scott, MV McConnell, AB Kerr, DG Nishimura, JM Pauly, and BS Hu. In vivo Real-Time Intravascular MRI. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. 2002:4(2):223-232. June 2002. PDF
- KS Nayak, JM Pauly, PC Yang, BS Hu, CH Meyer, and DG Nishimura. Real-time Interactive Coronary MR> Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2001:46:430-435. September. PDF
- KS Nayak, PA Rivas, JM Pauly, GC Scott, AB Kerr, BS Hu, and DG Nishimura. Real-time Black-Blood MRI using Spatial Presaturation. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2001:13:807-812. May 2001. PDF
- KS Nayak, CM Tsai, CH Meyer, and DG Nishimura. Efficient Off-resonance Correction for Spiral Imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2001:45:521-524. March 2001. PDF
- KS Nayak, JM Pauly, DG Nishimura, and BS Hu. Rapid Ventricular Asessment using Real-time Interactive Multislice MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2001:45:371-375. March 2001. PDF
- KS Nayak, JM Pauly, AB Kerr, BS Hu, and DG Nishimura. Real-Time Color Flow MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2000:43:251-258. February 2000. PDF
- KS Nayak and DG Nishimura. Automatic Field Map Generation and Off-resonance Correction for Projection Reconstruction Imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2000:43:151-154. January 2000. PDF