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Review Papers & Book Chapters

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  1. KS NayakY Lim, A Campbell-Washburn, J Steeden. Real-Time MRI. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 44(1):81-99, January 2022. PDF JRNL
  2. V Ramanarayanan, S Tilsen, M Proctor, J Töger, L Goldstein, KS Nayak, S Narayanan. Analysis of Speech Production Real-Time MRI. Computer Speech and Language. 52:1-22. Nov 2018. PDF JRNL
  3. R Vliegenthart, M Jerosch-Herold, KS Nayak, T Leiner, S Plein. Myocardial Perfusion and Permeability. MR and CT Perfusion and Pharmacokinetic Imaging: Clinical Applications and Theoretical Principles. Eds: Roland Bammer, Wolters-Kluwer. Springer-Current Medicine. ISBN 9781451147155. May 2016. LINK
  4. F Kober, T Jao, T Troalen, KS Nayak, Myocardial Arterial Spin Labeling. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. 2016, 18:22. April 2016. PDF JRNL
  5. SG Lingala, BP Sutton, ME Miquel, KS Nayak. Recommendations for Real-Time Speech MRI. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2016, 43:28-44. January 2016. PDF JRNL MEDIA
  6. KS Nayak, JF Nielsen, MA Berstein, M Markl, P Gatehouse, R Botnar, D Saloner, C Lorenz, H Wen, BS Hu, F Epstein, J Oshinski, SV Raman. Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Phase Contrast Imaging. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 2015, 17:71. August 2015. PDF JRNL
  7. VC Rispoli, JLA Carvalho, JF Nielsen, KS Nayak. Assessment of Carotid Flow Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computational Fluid Dynamics. Fluid Dynamics, Computational Modeling and Applications. Ed: L. Hector Juarez. InTech. ISBN 9789535100522. 2012.
  8. HH Hu, MI Goran, KS Nayak. Assessment of abdominal adiposity and organ fat with magnetic resonance imaging. Role of the Adipocyte in Development of Type 2 Diabetes. ISBN 978-953-307-598-3. September 2011. PDF LINK
  9. HH Hu, KS Nayak, MI Goran. Assessment of abdominal adipose tissue and organ fat content by magnetic resonance imaging. Obesity Reviews 12(5):e504-e515. May 2011. PDF JRNL
  10. TB Smith, KS Nayak. An overview of MRI artifacts and correction strategies. Imaging in Medicine 2(4):445-457. August 2010. PDF JRNL
  11. KS Nayak, JF Nielsen. CMR Imaging Methods. Atlas of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. Eds: W Manning and E Braunwald. Springer-Current Medicine. ISBN 1573402990. 2009.
  12. E Bresch, YC Kim, KS Nayak, D Byrd and S Narayanan. Seeing speech: capturing vocal tract shaping using real-time magnetic resonance imaging. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 25(3):123-132. May 2008. PDF JRNL
  13. BL Gerber, SV Raman, KS Nayak, FH Epstein, P Ferreira, L Axel and DL Kraitchman. Cardiac first-pass perfusion imaging – history, theory, and current state-of-the-art. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 10:18 April 2008. JRNL PDF
  14. P Varadarajan, K Souibri, KS Nayak, GM Pohost. Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance: Evaluation of Myocardial Function, Perfusion and Viability. Cardiac CT, PET and MR. Eds: V Dilsizian and GM Pohost. Blackwell Futura. pp 155-191. 2006.
  15. KS Nayak and BS Hu. The Future of Real-time Cardiac MRI. Current Cardiology Reports. 7:45-51. January 2005. PDF JRNL
  16. JR Forder, KS Nayak and GM Pohost. Faster speed, better spatial resolution lead 3T benefits: New pulse sequences and strategies for cardiac imaging and spectroscopy must be developed. Diagnostic Imaging. 24(13):65-73. December 2002. PDF