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The authors, along with the University of Southern California and its collaborators, provide this source code as-is and without any guarantees regarding the performance of these programs. In no event shall the above parties be liable for any damages or costs that result from the use of this software.


  • USC 75-speaker Speech MRI Database — This dataset offers a unique corpus of 2D sagittal-view RT-MRI videos along with synchronized audio for 75 subjects performing linguistically motivated speech tasks, alongside the corresponding first-ever public domain raw RT-MRI data. The dataset also includes 3D volumetric vocal tract MRI during sustained speech sounds and high-resolution static anatomical T2-weighted upper airway MRI for each subject. The database, and companion software tools, are freely available to the research community. (Yongwan Lim et al.) WEB Journal Figshare GitHub


  • MOCCO: Joint arterial input function and tracker kinetic parameter estimation from under-sampled DCE-MRI using a model consistency constraint. (Yi Guo) GitHub
  • Direct Recon: Direct Estimation of Tracer-Kinetic Parameter Maps from Highly Undersampled Brain DCE-MRI. (Yi Guo) GitHub
  • GRATER: Simple Method for RF Pulse Measurement using Gradient Reversal. (Vanessa Landes) GitHub
  • Anisotropic Field-of-View Support for Golden Angle Radial Imaging (Ziyue Wu) ZIP
  • Low Field Aquisition Simulation. (Weiyi Chen & Ziyue Wu) ZIP GitHub
  • Locally Low Rank and Temporal Finite Difference Constrained Reconstruction (Yi Guo, Terrence Jao, Sajan Goud and Xin Miao) ZIP
  • GOCART: GOlden-angle CArtesian Randomized Time-resolved 3D MRI. (Yinghua Zhu) ZIP
  • Flexible dynamic phantoms for evaluating MRI data sampling and reconstruction methods. (Yinghua Zhu) ZIP
  • StimFit: A toolbox for robust T2 mapping with stimulated echo compensation. (Marc Lebel) GitHub
  • Optimization of Flip Angle Schedules for Transient SSFP Imaging. (Travis Smith) ZIP
  • Simulation of Wideband SSFP. (Hsu-Lei Lee) ZIP


  • “Journal to Awareness of Social Bias in Science”, RESONATE: Discussion of Scientific and Social Biases within ISMRM. ISMRM/ESMRMB Scientific Sessions, Paris, June 2018. Slides TALK
  • “Advanced Reconstruction Techniques for DCE/DSC”, Weekend Course: Advanced Topics in Perfusion MRI, ISMRM/ESMRMB Scientific Sessions, Paris, June 2018. Slides TALK
  • “Acquisition Strategies: DCE and NCE Approaches”, Sunrise Course: Advanced Techniques in Cardiovascular MR: Tissue Perfusion, ISMRM/ESMRMB Scientific Sessions, Paris, June 2018. Slides
  • “Diagnostic Real-Time MRI”, ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting, Plenary Session on Dynamic Real-Time MRI, April 25th, 2017. Slides ISMRM Video
  • “Cardiac ASL Perfusion Imaging”, ISMRM Workshop on Non-Contrast Cardiovascular MR, Myocardial Tissue Characterization Session, March 8th, 2015. PDF
  • “Imaging Challenges at 3T and above”, ISMRM 2014, Cardiovascular MRI at 3T and Beyond Session, May 15, 2014. PDF
  • “How to Quantify Blood Flow”, SCMR 2014, Physician Pre-conference Course, January 16, 2014. PDF
  • “Toward Myocardial Perfusion Imaging using Arterial Spin Labeling at High Fields”, SCMR-ISMRM Joint Workshop on High-Field CMR, January 30, 2013. PDF
  • “Non-Contrast Perfusion: Ready for Prime Time?”, SCMR 2012, Session: Myocardial Pefusion and Ischemia, February 3, 2012. PDF
  • “Assessment of Abdominal Adiposity and Organ Fat with Magnetic Resonance Imaging,” The Obesity Society 2011 Preconference Workshop, Oct 1, 2011. PDF
  • “Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Fat: Principles, Methodology, Utility, and Challenges,” The Obesity Society 2011 Preconference Workshop, Oct 1, 2011. PDF
  • “Novel Myocardial Perfusion Techniques: Arterial Spin Labeling,” SCMR 2011 Basic Science Preconference Course, February 3, 2011. PDF
  • “Advanced Pulse Sequences for 3 Tesla CMR,” ISMRM 2010 Cardiovascular Imaging Sunrise Course, May 4, 2010. PDF
  • “Tools for Mapping and Quantitative Imaging,” ISMRM 2010 Imaging Strategies Weekend Educational Course, May 2, 2010. PDF
  • “Update on Myocardial Perfusion using ASL,” SCMR 2010, Jan 23, 2010. PDF
  • “Technical Challenges and Solutions for CMR at 3 Tesla,” SCMR 2010, Jan 21, 2010. PDF
  • “Imaging of Myocardial Perfusion using Arterial Spin Labeling,” Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Oct 5, 2009. PDF
  • “Real-Time Measurement of Cardiac Function and Flow,” ISMRM Flow and Motion Workshop, Sep 12, 2009. PDF

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